February 2016 Newsletter

Bible verse of the month:
Philippians 4:6-7 :” Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


  • February has 5 Mondays and tuition applies from February 1 – March 4, 2016. Cheque is payable to “GCS-DN” and is due first week of the month. Please put your child’s name on the cheque.
  • Parents please make sure your children have winter jackets, snowpants, winter hats, waterproof mittens, scarves, and snow boots for outdoor play every day. Children still need to go out even they do not have snowpants or snowboots. Therefore, they will get wet.
  • In order to keep they day care environment clean for the children, parents please make sure your children out on outdoor shoes at the entrance only and do not walk on the hallway.
  • Teachers’ vacation: Ms. Melissa Feb 1 to Feb 12; Miss Doris Feb 10 to Feb 26.

GCS Prayers:

  • May God protect GCS children, families, and teachers’ health in this flu season and lift us our lives with peace and joy every day
  • May God’s word be spread to parents attending the bible study that they will understand Jesus is the saviour of our lives.

GCS Bible Study: “The life of Jesus”, Thursday, February 11 and February 25, from 6-8, child care and dinner are provided. Please register with Room Teachers.

PCG: “Chinese New Year Celebration” , Wednesday, February 17, 2016.

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