March 2014 Newsletter “Caring for our Planet”



This Month at a Glance



  • Reading level program
  • Beginning sounds
  • Ending sounds
  • Vowel: a e i o u



  • Concept of zero
  • Calendar
  • Ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th)



  • The Rainforest
  • The Sea/Ocean
  • The Pets
  • The Jungle


Christian Education

  • Bible Memory Verses: XYZ
  • Parable of the 10 talents


Character Matter

  • Perseverance


Cooking Activity

  • Japanese Sushi
  • Colorful Play dough
  • Canadian Grilled Cheese
  • Fruit Jello


Arts class, Chinese class, Choir

  • Details on program plan
February was awesome! Kindergartens P4 & P5 children went to Tendercare Senior Home to celebrate Chinese New Year with grandma and grandpa, they showed the Love of God through their beautiful singing. In math P4 children have been working very hard on telling the time and all the coins money, by the end of February they achieved all the goals. In language they have learned all the high frequency words and they cannot wait to read the beginning level books. Cheers for all JK!In March P4 children will be focusing on the theme “Caring for our Planet”. They are going to discover The Rainforest, The Jungle, The sea/Ocean and The Pets. In language they are going to have our reading level program. They will finish the beginning sounds, ending sounds and all vowels. In math they will learn the concept of zero, calendar and ordinal (1st – 10th).Show and Tell is always encouraged. Help the children develop their early presentation skills.Week 1: Any books/toys about Rainforest

Week 2: Any fish / sea animal

Week 3: Anything about pet

Week 4: Any books/toys about Jungle



Our class begins at 10:00am, please be on time

Please remember bring a pair of snow pants in for your child  for outdoor play when weather is permitted.  Also, scarf, mittens/gloves, snow boots are required as well.

Please remember to have a full set of extra clothes, specific to the season, at school at all times. Please make sure everything is labeled with your child’s name, including things like hats, gloves and jackets.


* Subjects may be changed without prior notice