March 2016 Newsletter

Bible Verse: John 3:16: ” For God so Loved the world that He gave His one and only son. That whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


  1. March has 4 Mondays and tuition applies from March 7 – April 1, 2016. Cheque is payable to “GCSDN” and it is due first week of the month. Please put your child’s full name on the cheque.
  2. Summer camp registration is available now! Summer camp will cover the period from July 4 to Sept 2, 2016. Forms and information are available on the desk outside the GCS office.
  3. Parents please do not bring any snack or nuts to the daycare. Daycare is a “NUT FREE” environment.
  4. In order to keep the daycare environment clean for children, parents please make sure your children put on outdoor shoes at the entrance only. No outdoor shoes in the hallway please!!
  5. Children’s dental screen from Toronto Public Health will be from 9:30 am – 12pm on March 29 and March 30, 2016.
  6. Daycare will be closed for Good Friday, March 26 2016.
  7. Teacher’s vacation: Miss Kung: March 14 – Apr 1; Mrs.Ng: Feb 29 to Mar 8, 2016.



  • P3 and P4 children are performing in 2016 Easter Concert in Sanctuary A on March 31, 2016, starting at 6pm till 7:30pm. All parents are invited. (PS: Childcare is not available during the concert! Please pick up your children and bring them to join the Easter Concert with you! Friends and families are welcome too!!!!) 
  • May the good news of Jesus’ salvation be spread to all parents that they can open their hearts to accept the love of Jesus Christ!

PCG will be on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, from 6-8 pm. The topic is “FINANCIAL WORSHIP”. Please register with your room teachers in advance.




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