
2 to 3.5 Years

Our preschool curriculum is designed for children aged 2 to 3 ½. Certified and trained Early Childhood Educators plan with children’s developmental level and interests in mind. Grace Christian School’s preschool program is presented in an environment that fosters the individual child’s emotional, social, physical, and cognitive skills. As children grow and develop in our program, they are both nurtured and challenged as they practice prekindergarten readiness skills.


Our preschool program follows the guidelines of the Early Learning For Every Child Today (ELECT) Framework. Each month we select a theme/ concept learning that best reflect the class’ interests and developmental strengths and weaknesses then from there, we plan for weekly:

  • Language and Communication
  • Mathematics/Cognitive and Cooking
  • Bible stories, Praise and Worship and monthly Bible Memory Verses
  • Science and Discovery
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Dramatic play
  • Sensory play
  • Block play

These set up is found through out the day and promotes skills such as problem solving, phonetic and number awareness, reasoning,rational and rote counting, classifying, matching and fine motor development just to name a few.


With the Ratio one teacher to eight children, learning is made interactive by having small and large group time throughout the day. Our preschool program ensures preschoolers to have joyful, appropriate, and meaningful learning experiences that lead to success in school and in life.



Language:We believe in grounding our children with the foundation of language and communication skills. Learning concepts that help children make the connection between sound and print: print concepts, alphabet recognition, and phonemic awareness. Children are also given invitation to communicate their thoughts through our weekly “Show and Tell”, crafts, circle time etc.Adding to their vocabulary and knowledge of the world is extended to include words important to school work and daily life.At GCS we provide books that are sent home for reading to introduce literacy to not only the children in our class but also to the families.


Mathematics/Cognitive:We promote mathematical thinking and basic math concepts through all kinds of simple hands-on activities. Such as our weekly cooking activities, patterning, shapes, numbers, opposites, sorting various objects, lacing, beading and through our self-help skills training.


Bible: Includes Bible stories, daily prayers, singing worship songs and monthly memory verses allows children to explore themes of God’s characters and love for all of His children. Children learn to memorize God’s word through our monthly Bible Memory Verses.

Science and Discovery
: Each week children are challenged to use their critical thinking with our weekly science activity and discovery learning based on the theme of the week. Children will learn these processes through hands-on materials and multisensory experiences that build on their discoveries and help them develop the skills associated with observing, classifying, experimenting, predicting and communicating their ideas to others.

Arts and Crafts:We provide daily arts and crafts that promotes and stimulates hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, imagination and creativity of our preschoolers by gluing, cutting, drawing, decorating and painting.


Dramatic play: At GCS, Early Childhood Educators set up objects and items that relate to a particular theme and have the children explore their fantasies.Through this it promotes hands-on experience with real world materials and help children with social development as it encourages social cooperation. The children will also learn about differences and similarities, about diversity and about other cultures that encourages acceptance and helps build bridges between children and their different cultures.


Sensory play: Sensory table activities are facilitated with exploration and naturally encourage children to use their five senses while they play, create, investigate and explore. Sensory play is available for children to use through out the day.


Build and constructive play: Although almost similar to arts and crafts, our Build and construct center allows children to use their creativity, imagination, spatial skills, divergent problem solving and math skills with the use of toys, different kinds of blocks and recycled materials.