MS. Virgilia Chen (Supporting Staff)

Miss Virgilia logo 2012Ms. Virgilia holds an Honored BA degree in Music Education with University of Western Ontario, a diploma in Early Childhood Education with Humber College and a certificate in Gd. 10 Piano with RCM. Ms. Virgilia is registered with the College of E.C.E. since 2010. Ms. Virgilia is involved with many different musical activities besides her roles as a mother, a wife, an ECE and a piano teacher. She is currently a member of the Emmanuel Chamber Choir and a lead singer and a pianist for the worship band of New life Gospel Church. Ms. Virgilia’s passion for children is to use music as a way to help children further equip and foster their early development in different areas, and most importantly,to establish children’s interest and desire for Jesus through Praise and Worship regularly at GCS. Ms.Virgilia lives with her husband, her toddler son, an expecting baby, and a lovely dog in Toronto, Ontario.

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