
The child’s day is a blend of structured and unstructured activities. A weekly schedule and lesson plan outlining the specific curriculum areas is posted outside each room. The program includes:

  • Indoor Playroom: individual activities to learn through play and senses including arts and crafts, manipulative play, sensory play, dramatic play, puzzles and toys.
  • Learning Circle: group activities of songs, games, stories, and lessons
  • Calender: group activities learning the days, weeks, months, years, seasons, and weather. It is also a practical way to teach math and science
  • Gross and Motor Activities: satisfy the children’s needs for active play and enhance gross motor development
  • Routine for dressing, washroom, and lunch/snack: foster independence and self-help skills. Children are encouraged to do as much as they can
  • Rest time: a quiet and relaxing time for children to re-energize. Children may take a favourite soft toy or blanket to bed with them

We would like to encourage all children to participate in the program full-time since the lessons taught in the morning are taught in the afternoon and continued the next day.