Author: admin

  • GCS Kindergarten registration and Open House

    Dear GCS Parents, GCS Kindergarten Registration will commence on March 28, 2016 for 2016 – 2017 school year. Children who turn four years old during 2016 will be eligible to register into the JK program. Priority for enrolment will be given to our GCS families then available space will be open to the public. An…

  • March 2016 Newsletter

    Bible Verse: John 3:16: ” For God so Loved the world that He gave His one and only son. That whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Announcements: March has 4 Mondays and tuition applies from March 7 – April 1, 2016. Cheque is payable to “GCSDN” and it is due…

  • February 2016 Newsletter

    Bible verse of the month: Philippians 4:6-7 :” Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Announcements: February has 5 Mondays and tuition…

  • MS. Virgilia Chen (Supporting Staff)

    Ms. Virgilia holds an Honored BA degree in Music Education with University of Western Ontario, a diploma in Early Childhood Education with Humber College and a certificate in Gd. 10 Piano with RCM. Ms. Virgilia is registered with the College of E.C.E. since 2010. Ms. Virgilia is involved with many different musical activities besides her…

  • January 2016 Newsletter

    John 1:1-4: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him, all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” Announcements:…

  • Ms. Anna Maria Lucriana (Toddler Teacher)

    Hello, I am Ms. Anna. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and had worked for York District School Board for past three years. I am an extremely reliable, kind and caring person. I celebrate Kid’s energy and creativity but also I set limits, so they remain safe. I am patient and flexible and can…

  • Ms. Aeda San Diego – Goco (Kindergarten Teacher)

    Aeda San Diego-Goco is the Senior Kindergarten at Grace Christian School- Day Nursery. She is a Registered Early Childhood Educator. She has been working at Grace Christian School since 2008 and have taught Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten. Ms. Aeda has successfully finished her Early Childhood Education program with high honours. She also advanced…

  • Miss Doris Lee (Preschool Teacher)

    Hi everyone! My name is Doris Lee. I graduated from Seneca College with the Bachelor of Child Development and now I am a Registered Early Childhood Educator. I was born in Hong Kong and moved to Canada with my parents and a younger sister. I can speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese as my native languages.…

  • Ms. Rebecca (Toddler Teacher)

    This is my 6th year working in GCS since I graduated from Centennial College on the year of 2010. I am a mother of three kids and a teacher of Sunday school at my church (MCAC). The amount of time I spend with children lets me understand and acknowledge them more. I love children; they…

  • PCG 2016 Schedule

    Please check the schedule out under our Latest News